I feel compelled to highlight some of my outstanding achievements & recognitions in 2024

I feel compelled to highlight some of my outstanding achievements & recognitions in 2024

In light of my recent nomination for the prestigious Cannabis Cultivation Awards in the UK, I feel compelled to highlight some of my outstanding achievements & recognitions in 2024. As one of the few persons of color to make the Top 50 Cannabis Minds in Canada, I am truly honored by this recognition.

This year has been particularly rewarding as I have been a finalist for both Grower of the Year, & Influencer of the Year. Additionally, I was awarded Best Consultant of the Year by the recent domestic & international polls conducted by the Grow Up Conference, Awards and Expo, where over 15,000 voters cast their votes in the 2024 Toronto Awards Gala. Meta also recognized me for my high cannabis engagements on their platform, even though I faced challenges like being temporarily banned & having my identity stolen.

LinkedIn acknowledged my contributions to the field by giving me a Top Voice badge in Agribusiness, highlighting my collaborative efforts in cannabis horticulture. I am also proud to be the author of “Cannabis Development: A Social Studies Guide,” which addresses the core pillars of cannabis industry development both economically & socially.

I have had the honor of speaking at numerous associations’ platforms regarding cannabis development. My work in expanding cannabis financing solutions within North America has been instrumental in assisting businesses of all sizes. Furthermore, I have broadened the scope of offerings for in-house cultivation, processing, & dispensary cannabinoids testing kits with DIY laboratory equipment, slashing random testing fees & costs by up to 50%. Similarly, I have introduced devices for leaf tissue nutrient analysis, providing facilities with specialized AI portable nutrient consultant devices, saving further testing fees & mitigating nutrient imbalances on the spot.

In addition to these technical advancements, I have developed courses aimed at reversing the negative perceptions & brainwashing from the times of prohibition & demonization of the plant. My course theme, “Unveiling Cannabis,” aims to educate & enlighten the community. I also offer free meetings for cannabis members seeking advice & exploration, & I have broadened my mentorship programs to cater to those who are underrepresented & disadvantaged.

None of these achievements would have been possible without the unwavering support from the cannabis community. I hold deep admiration for each & every one of you, & I truly value & appreciate every comment, reaction, share, message, & word of encouragement & positivity. Together, we continue to thrive, connect, educate, learn, grow, & strive for the best that cannabis deserves.

I owe the cannabis community a debt of gratitude & will continue to advocate on the issues that affect every cannabis household regionally & internationally. Thank you to each & every one of you reading this heartfelt message. In cannabis unity, we stand to spread the gospel of love & healing of this ancient & sacred plant.

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