I can still feel the thrill of the moment when I first saw Jorge Cervantes

I can still feel the thrill of the moment when I first saw Jorge Cervantes

I can still feel the thrill of the moment when I first saw Jorge Cervantes, the legendary cannabis horticulturist, standing on the stage of the Grow Up Conference, Awards and Expo 2024. It was a surreal experience, meeting the man whose books I had poured over as a child growing up in the Caribbean. Jorge’s works were my first window into the world of scientific cannabis cultivation, and they shaped my passion and career.

Growing up in a tight-knit community, respect for our elders was paramount. “It takes a village to raise a child” was more than a saying; it was a way of life. Our elders were strict, and discipline was enforced with a firm hand, but it was all part of the fabric that wove our society together. Respect and admiration for those who paved the way for us were ingrained in me from a young age.

Jorge stood out among the many experts and scholars in cannabis horticulture. His contributions to the industry were unparalleled, and he became a figure I deeply respected. His books were not just resources; they were treasures that I still use today, building libraries for plant-touching people during my consulting work with licensed producers and cultivation staff.

When I was announced as the Best Consultant of the Year, the applause was a distant echo compared to the excitement of knowing I would share a photograph with Jorge, the Hall of Famer. There we stood, side by side, the awardee and the inductee, in one memorable snapshot. It was more than just an image; it was a testament to a journey that began in a small Caribbean village and led me to stand beside one of the legends in our field.

As I stood there, I couldn’t help but reflect on how far I had come, fueled by the wisdom in Jorge’s books and the support of my community. Celebrating Jorge’s induction was not just about honoring his achievements but also about acknowledging the foundation he laid for so many of us. His work continues to inspire, educate, and elevate the standards of cannabis horticulture.

I invite you all to join me in celebrating Jorge Cervantes, giving him his flowers while he is here to receive them. His legacy is not just in the pages of his books but in the countless lives he has touched and the industry he has helped to shape. Here’s to Jorge, a true scholar and a legend, whose impact will be felt for generations to come.

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