Cannabis Plant Sciences & Cultivation Leadership

Cannabis Plant Sciences & Cultivation Leadership

With a rich background in plant science and extensive senior management roles in horticulture, cannabis crop production, and facility operations, I bring decades of practical experience to the forefront. My expertise spans plant breeding, genetics, phytopharmaceuticals, and international plant agriculture development.

As a leader, I foster collaboration across diverse teams, engaging scientists, industry partners, farmers, indigenous communities, and various stakeholders. Together, we drive cutting-edge research and develop innovative solutions for sustainable agri-food systems, medicinal plants, and herbal substances.

My track record includes delivering high-quality results, publications, and curriculum development in precision plant agriculture, environmental sciences, and biological sciences. Complemented by training in quality control, GPP, GACP, EU-GMP, GDP, and plant production technologies, I combine practical experience with executive management competencies.

An alumni of Canada’s prestigious 150-year-old, University of Guelph, Ontario Agricultural College, I focus on international plant agricultural development. As a modern extensionist, I excel at translating knowledge globally, and contributing to food production systems and the plant medicine and herbalism industries.

Frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, radio talk shows, symposia, workshops, podcasts, and forums worldwide, I connect with fellow plant enthusiasts to explore the vast realm of agri-food transition modeling and plant medicines. Let’s unlock nature’s pharmacy together because where knowledge blooms, healing flourishes.

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