About The Author

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Brendon Roberts

Brendon Roberts, the distinguished author of ‘A Social Science Guide to understanding Cannabis for Personal Development,’ stands as a luminary in the field of cannabis horticulture and plant sciences. With a rich background that includes senior management roles in corporate Canada, Brendon brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the realm of cannabis cultivation.

‌A graduate from the esteemed Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, Brendon’s academic foundation is firmly rooted in excellence. His journey in cannabis horticulture has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to advancing the industry.

‌In ‘A Social Science Guide to understanding Cannabis for Personal Development,’ Brendon combines his academic prowess with a passion for personal growth, offering readers a unique perspective on the intersection of cannabis and self-improvement. As a thought leader and advocate for responsible cannabis use, Brendon Roberts invites you to embark on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment through the pages of his insightful and groundbreaking book.

Mother Murdered, Father Cannabis Drug Lord:

Born into a family deeply entrenched in the Rastafarian cannabis cartel, my upbringing was anything but ordinary. I witnessed the spectrum of experiences within the illicit cannabis trade, from its benefits to its dangers.

As a child, cannabis roots treated my asthma, thanks to my father brewing tea with the male roots of the plant. Our family gatherings were marked by the pervasive aroma of weed, and we even hosted quarterly cannabis cultivation competitions.

However, the illegal nature of our activities caught up with my father, resulting in a 20-year prison sentence in French jurisdiction. Determined not to follow in my parents’ footsteps, I pursued education, ultimately becoming a high school agriculture science teacher.

Driven by passion and ambition, I financed my education through various means, including mortgaging my grandmother’s property and taking on significant student loans. Graduating from Canada’s premier agricultural institution, I swiftly rose through the ranks in the burgeoning cannabis industry, paying off my debts in quick time.

Since then, I’ve founded two successful cannabis organizations to continue in aiding the developing cannabis landscape.

  1. GPS: GanjaPapa Solutions; Our mission is clear – to enrich every cannabis cultivation clientele business by fostering sustainability, increasing efficiency, and elevating returns.
  2. UPMA: Universal Plant Medicine Association; To support and empower individuals committed to the study, research, and application of plant-based medicines. Through scholarships, we aim to facilitate access to education, training, and resources, enabling aspiring scholars to explore, preserve, and advance the field of plant medicine.

Learn more about UPMA:

Stumbling upon a photo while studying for my final exams, I felt compelled to share my journey, hoping to inspire others. My story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the potential for success when one invests in education and collaborates with esteemed institutions.

Never abandon your dreams; winners persist, while quitters falter. May my testimony encourage students, growers, and plant enthusiasts alike to pursue their aspirations and leverage the resources available to them for transformative growth.

Brendon Roberts - A Pioneer in Horticulture, Cannabis Cultivation, and Advocacy

Brendon Roberts stands as a visionary leader in the realms of horticulture, cannabis cultivation, and advocacy, with a career marked by groundbreaking initiatives and impactful contributions. With a portfolio boasting of spearheading various significant projects across Canada, Brendon’s influence extends from the vast landscapes of British Columbia to the emerging cannabis industry hubs in Nova Scotia and Ontario.

Innovative Cultivation Facilities:

Roberts has been instrumental in the development of multiple pioneering cultivation facilities, including a remarkable 480,000-square-foot indoor facility in New Brunswick, a 250,000-square-foot facility in Nova Scotia, and a 350,000-square-foot software greenhouse in Ontario. Notably, his expertise extends beyond traditional indoor setups, as evidenced by his management of a 290-acre outdoor cultivation space in British Columbia. Through these endeavors, Roberts has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of cannabis cultivation, both domestically and globally.

Leadership in Farm-to-Table Operations:

As the head of cultivation leadership at British Columbia’s first farm-to-table operations, Brendon Roberts has not only showcased his proficiency in cannabis cultivation but also demonstrated a commitment to sustainable and locally sourced agricultural practices. British Columbia, renowned for its BC Bud, has benefited greatly from Roberts’ expertise, setting a benchmark for responsible and high-quality cannabis production.

Advocacy and Board Memberships:

Beyond his direct involvement in cultivation, Brendon Roberts has been actively engaged in advocacy efforts and served on numerous cannabis operations’ boards of directors. His strategic insights and industry knowledge have contributed to the advancement of cannabis policy, research, and economic development initiatives across Canada.

Promoting Cannabis Tourism and Plant Medicine Development:

As a board member and director at the Canadian Cannabis Tourism Alliance, Roberts plays a pivotal role in fostering agri-tourism research, economic development, and agri-communications. Additionally, he has leveraged his expertise to support Native start-ups in the development of plant medicine, furthering innovation and diversity within the industry.

Founding UPMA: Universal Plant Medicine Association:

As the founder of UPMA, Brendon Roberts has established a platform dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals committed to the study, research, and application of plant-based medicines. Through scholarships and educational programs, UPMA aims to democratize access to botanical healing knowledge, fostering innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability within the field.

Learn more about UPMA:


Brendon Roberts’ multifaceted career embodies a relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and advocacy within the horticulture and cannabis cultivation sectors. His leadership in pioneering cultivation facilities, commitment to sustainable practices, and dedication to advancing plant medicine research exemplify a holistic approach to industry development. As Canada continues to shape the global cannabis landscape, Brendon Roberts stands as a driving force behind its evolution, leaving an indelible mark on the future of horticulture and plant medicine.